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Gerencia de proyectos de investigación ...
Curso - Taller | Inicia 8 de julio 2023
El curso-taller gerencia de proyectos de investigación e innovación SEGUI9R CON EL OBJETIVOPut your actual valuable text here, this is only a dummy text. Fortune salutes the brave, We are brave, we are fearless.
SPSS Inicial
Curso | próximo verano
Put your actual valuable text here, this is only a dummy text. Fortune salutes the brave, We are brave, we are fearless.
SPSS Intermedio
Curso | próximo verano
Put your actual valuable text here, this is only a dummy text. Fortune salutes the brave, We are brave, we are fearless.
SPSS Avanzado
Curso | próximo verano
Put your actual valuable text here, this is only a dummy text. Fortune salutes the brave, We are brave, we are fearless.
Análisis de ecuaciones estructurales
Curso | próximo verano
Put your actual valuable text here, this is only a dummy text. Fortune salutes the brave, We are brave, we are fearless.
Análisis cualitativo mediante AtlasTi
Curso | próximo verano
Put your actual valuable text here, this is only a dummy text. Fortune salutes the brave, We are brave, we are fearless.
Enfermería en Urgencias
Curso | próximo verano
Put your actual valuable text here, this is only a dummy text. Fortune salutes the brave, We are brave, we are fearless.
Enfermería en Salud mental
Curso | próximo verano
Put your actual valuable text here, this is only a dummy text. Fortune salutes the brave, We are brave, we are fearless.
VIII Congreso de la Red Radar en ICA, Perú
Curso | próximo otoño
Put your actual valuable text here, this is only a dummy text. Fortune salutes the brave, We are brave, we are fearless.
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